caterToronto is a network of creative and collaborative caterers operating as a social enterprise non-profit organization. Dedicated to achieving better social and economic outcomes through dignified, diverse, and delicious food employment and entrepreneurship, caterToronto primarily focuses on supporting racialized women, genderqueer individuals, and newcomers in Toronto. Their mission is to enhance awareness, opportunities, and participation in dignified food work by providing a robust network, training, advocacy, and business support, all aimed at contributing to a better food system for everyone.
Ongoing & Past Projects
KLB Consulting developed a needs assessment plan for caterToronto with a dual-purpose strategy: to guide internal procedures and goals while also serving as a foundation for client and community interactions. The plan, developed through a comprehensive engagement process, provides a robust framework to facilitate collaboration between the organization and the communities it serves.
This strategic plan will act as a roadmap for the Steering Committee, guiding direction, budgeting, decision-making, and planning over the next two years. It also supports caterToronto staff in advancing organizational priorities, strengthening community partnerships, building internal capacity, and effectively allocating resources.