Capacity-Building Partnership


Introducing the brand new capacity-building partnership between White Otter Consulting and KLB Consulting!

This partnership emerged through identifying a need and want to support Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit artists and entrepreneurs within the business and art sectors. We offer non-Indigenous experiene combined with Indigenous expertise within the realm of grant writing and business development services. We strive to approach this partnership through an Indigenous lens rooted in relationality.

KLB is a values-based business that works with under-represented voices or those with a sustainability mandate. We offer years of experience in grant writing, tourism strategies and economic development. White Otter Consulting implements a decolonial lens in their engagements within Indigenous community building, governance, and business development. Their values are rooted in honouring and creating a space for storytelling and knowledge transfer while creating visibility and accurate representation for their clients. Our partnership brings together knowledge in a way that maintains and supports the cultural integrity of our clients and their practices.

Supporting Indigenous Artists

We honour and appreciate the contributions and impacts Indigenous artists and entrepreneurs have on our communities, and so we want to support that continued growth and success. Our fundamental goal within this partnership is to uplift artists, writers, community builders, and performers so they are able to focus on making art, building their communities, and supporting their families. Too often, many of us face barriers to participating in systems that are not created for us to thrive. This team considers how Indigenous artists and business owners strive to hold culture and community at the forefront of how they build and create. Our team is comprised of grant writers and advisors who are also Indigenous community members, artists, and land-based practitioners themselves or have experience working with and in our communities. Through the implementation of these core values, we hope to create space for collaboration, relationships, and trust.

This partnership is a way to lean on available expertise ensuring the diversity of your voices are captured and heard accurately while simultaneously reflecting who you are in a culturally appropriate way. Through this partnership, KLB will work alongside WOC to offer grant writing, resume/CV building, website design and development, and strategic planning - specifically for Indigenous artists and small businesses. Our partnership will focus on securing grants and business funding to help clients develop necessary tools without facing traditional barriers such as access, capacity, and capital. Our goal is to provide a full suite of services to ensure Indigenous voices are at the forefront and being heard.

Photo sourced from Niio Perkins

Providing More Than Just Guidance

We also know that sometimes just developing the materials you need to participate in events, generate e-commerce and apply for funding can be a barrier. To address this, in addition to providing our primary support on grant writing, business financing and strategic planning, we also support in the following ways:

  • Creation of an Artist Biography
  • Account and profile registrations with Federal and Provincial funding agencies
  • Assistance with the development of a website (eCommerce included)
  • Creation of a Business/Strategic Plan
  • Help with funding applications through grant writing

Let’s work together.